MPE celebrates PPWR formal adoption in Europe

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On 16 December, the Council of the European Union formally adopted the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR). Following the European Parliament’s earlier endorsement in November, this marks the conclusion of an intensive legislative process. Metal Packaging Europe (MPE) is celebrating this vote as a significant milestone in advancing the goals of the EU Green Deal.

MPE has said it welcomes the introduction of specific provisions on recyclability and highlights that rigid metal packaging already meets many of the PPWR’s sustainability requirements. Notably, it exceeds the minimum recycling rates, with 80.5% for steel (2022) and 76% for aluminium cans (2021). The introduction of a definition for high-quality recycling is particularly commendable, says MPE, as this concept was previously used in packaging legislation and the Waste Framework Directive without being clearly defined. MPE also supports the introduction of a mandatory Deposit and Return System (DRS) but would have preferred a more ambitious implementation for aluminium beverage containers. MPE believes that high-quality recycling is essential for developing secondary raw material markets, contributing to Europe’s resource independence, and achieving the EU’s circularity goals.

However, MPE has said it is disappointed that the adoption of reuse targets does not adequately consider the complementary roles of recycling and reuse, nor the contribution of existing highly recyclable and recycled packaging formats to the circular economy.

As discussions now shift to secondary legislation, the metal packaging industry is keen to contribute to all relevant aspects of recycling and circularity to deliver a sustainable future for European packaging.

Looking ahead to the implementation in the coming years, MPE CEO, Krassimira Kazashka, stated: “Achieving the PPWR objectives will require active participation from all packaging stakeholders. As representatives of the rigid metal packaging industry, we are keen to contribute. Aluminium and steel are permanent materials and circular resources that remain available for future generations. Metal is the perfect packaging partner for a circular economy.”